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September 6, 2019
By: Bethany, Community Engagement Coordinator During my time as a Community Engagement Coordinator, I have been challenged to re-evaluate how I view and approach community work. Toxic Charity by Robert D. Lupton, has challenged me to see different perspectives on how churches perform charity work. The main premise of Toxic Charity is that “when we...
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By: Bethany, Community Engagement Coordinator Something I was reminded of this summer was the importance of slowing down and connecting with others. As Community Engagement Coordinators, we hold many events, whether it is community barbeques or conversation clubs, there is always a lot to plan and execute to make sure things operate smoothly. Admittedly, whenever...
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By: Bethany, Community Engagement Coordinator Over the course of my internship as a Community Engagement Coordinator, one of the highlights of my summer was the Hub Walk. The Hub Walk is an annual event in partnership with the Victoria Park Hub which invites newcomers to discover the Victoria Village area which ends with a barbeque...
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By: Tawfiq, Community Engagement Coordinator The summer has officially come to an and and with it, this internship. While it had some bumps along the way, I would say that my time with ETCBC has been a mostly positive experience. The one thing that sticks out to me the most if I had to choose...
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By: Tawfiq, Community Engagement Coordinator ETCBC kids camp has come and gone and it was my first time working with a high number of children at one time. Very young children are not something that I am very keen on so this was a huge challenge for me. The reason for this is that children...
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