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The Youth Ministry is looking for volunteers to help lead and train the youth worship team. If you have experience leading worship and would like to serve the church in this capacity, or if you have any questions regarding the amount of commitment and tasks involved, please speak to Shelby. 
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By: Sharon Lau   This past Sunday I listened to a great sermon on Mark 4:35-41 (“Jesus Stills the Sea” or, as it is more commonly known in the NIV, “Jesus Calms the Storm”). The speaker introduced the possibility that Mark included this passage not necessarily to tell us what to do as believers of...
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Fellowships Combined Starting on April 13, 2018, Timothy Fellowship will join Daniel Fellowship for their regular program from 7:30 – 9:30 pm every 2nd and 4th Friday. Please pray while we are recruiting disciplers for our young people! For more info or if you have any questions, please contact Pastor Janet. Urbana 2018 Urbana 2018...
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By: Pastor Tim   Cue blaring alarm. Video clip stops abruptly. Service ends (sort of?). Sermon was cut short. Last Sunday the message was cut short. I almost made it. I joked with someone the week before that my rhythm and cadence was off after not preaching for some time. And then this week I...
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By: Jer A few weeks ago, I had the chance to attend our local library’s 50th anniversary celebration.  If you can imagine, it’s one of the smaller libraries in Toronto.  They held the actual celebration in the basement with some fold up chairs.  The head librarian shared a few words and then they invited a...
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By: Jer On the last day of Arrow, we get to be commissioned by our leadership partners who have mentored us during the three residentials.  One of the things they ask you to do is to ask God for a word to be prayed over you.  (Apparently, Arrow is big on this whole one word/phrase...
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By: Jer (It’s been a busy few days and I had to give a 3 minute “evangelistic” sermon yesterday.  Eeks.) One of the things I say to many of the students I work with is that no one is naturally lazy, but you have learned to be lazy.  Of course, I am definitely an expert...
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By: Jer (Technically this is Day 2, but I got sick on Day 1 and could barely stay awake after all the traveling). At the past two residentials, we started off with being asked to think of a word that would describe the last few months.  This time, my word was a simple one:  Fun. ...
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Sam is ETCBC’s Pastor of Outreach in partnership with Youth Unlimited.  Every other month, Sam sends an update to all his supporters.  We will start publishing these updates on our blog.  Here is the latest one from September 13, 2017. Thoughts A summer to remember – youth graduating and inner city camp with my summer...
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Barb and Gerry (PILAS) are great about keeping in touch with us and sharing updates about the students.  Here’s one they sent earlier this week: Just this morning we met with Olga and her mom to talk about progress and her marks.  Her mom couldn’t stop raving about the changes she has seen in Olga...
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