This is a beta website. Click here for the official website.
This is a beta website. Click here for the official website.


The main reasons why we are starting ET_BLOGS are to explore, discover, and reflect on where God is calling us, both on a personal level and as a church. We want to create a space that gives us the freedom to discuss the things that we learn and struggle with. Sometimes these will be reflections from sermons, community activities, or even personal times of silence and solitude with God.

ET_BLOGS isn’t meant to be a place where we necessarily provide answers and theological doctrines, although you may find your theology stretched. It isn’t meant to simply update you on church activities, although you may be invited to join in. It isn’t just to make you more aware of community issues, although you may start to see God as much in the community as you do in the church. The hope of this space is that you will engage with us as we journey together in fully responding to who God is. We plan to have some regular contributors and some guest writers from time to time.

If you would also like to contribute to ET_BLOGS, please contact [email protected].

I’m writing this email on a laptop with super slow Internet in Benin, Africa. (I’m alive!) Thanks to all those who have been praying for me. God is really moving in this place. I’ve learnt so much about the culture of voodoo and how it’s so ingrained in the culture here – just this past...
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You are free to do what you want – if, that is, you really want it! Henri Nouwen “Life of the Beloved”   The main reasons why we are starting ET_BLOGS is to explore, discover, and reflect on where God is calling us, both on a personal level and as a church.  We want to...
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If I’m being really honest, I’ve struggled in the past about whether ETCBC is the church for me.  Whether I should consider switching churches.  I found myself somewhat detached, somewhat disengaged from what the church’s motivations were, and the people around it.   When I was asked to be a part of this Project, I...
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Over the course of the Project, we’ll be asking you what you think about our plans, and what your vision is for the new space. What are you most looking forward to?  What excites you about the potential for the new space?  What plans did you put on hold, or compromise because previously, there were...
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It’s been an eventful start to the new year so far…here’s what’s been happening behind the scenes! First, a special thanks to Hazel Tenefrancia for designing the logo for this project!  She did a great job of incorporating the project vision, the centrality of Christ and the building layout redesign into the logo! In February,...
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This past Sunday, Pastor Tim preached on Josh 5:9-12 and how for 40 years, the Israelites were blessed with manna from heaven to serve as food and sustenance during their time in the desert.  It was a blessing that they came to take for granted to receive on a daily basis.  Recall that the literal translation...
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With a projected budget of roughly $850,000, we need everyone to do their share and support this endeavour in prayer and financial support!   Please donate to the Building Fund and specify “Nehemiah project”.   All offerings donated for this will be first used for the project with any remaining money used for general building maintenance and renovation....
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