This is a beta website. Click here for the official website.
This is a beta website. Click here for the official website.


The main reasons why we are starting ET_BLOGS are to explore, discover, and reflect on where God is calling us, both on a personal level and as a church. We want to create a space that gives us the freedom to discuss the things that we learn and struggle with. Sometimes these will be reflections from sermons, community activities, or even personal times of silence and solitude with God.

ET_BLOGS isn’t meant to be a place where we necessarily provide answers and theological doctrines, although you may find your theology stretched. It isn’t meant to simply update you on church activities, although you may be invited to join in. It isn’t just to make you more aware of community issues, although you may start to see God as much in the community as you do in the church. The hope of this space is that you will engage with us as we journey together in fully responding to who God is. We plan to have some regular contributors and some guest writers from time to time.

If you would also like to contribute to ET_BLOGS, please contact [email protected].

By: Shivarny What does it mean to be good? Is it to be selfless and caring or merciful and fair? What happens when mercy and fairness don’t align in a situation? And do negative consequences matter if one had good intentions to begin with? These are just a few of the questions that arose during...
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By: Annie I’ve been thinking a lot about food as a form of privilege.  Introvert that I am, this area of self-reflection has been brewing for a while as food culture grew and our community was talking more about our first-world privilege. Guilt became a constant companion as I questioned how much time I spent...
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By: Jer  I’m still uncertain about where God has been leading me this week.  I don’t have a clear answer when someone asks me how the week has been.  There have definitely been more questions than answers.  As part of our final reflection, we were asked where we encountered God’s grace this week.  For me,...
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By: Jer This past week, I’ve noticed within myself a tendency to say that things are “good enough.”  When someone has given me an idea or a suggestion, I say no to it and justify why things are fine the way they are.  Today, I met with Mitch, the psychologist, and we chatted about the...
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By: Jer  Normally by this point in the week, I like having some resolution for what I’m thinking through, something I can take away.  Right now, I’m frustrated because I have more questions than answers.  If you haven’t noticed, I like it when things are easy and resolve within a day or so.  I enjoy...
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By: Jer  We had an extended period of silence today and had the chance to pray through Psalm 23.  It struck me how active God is in this passage.  Right in the first few verses, it says, “He makes me…He leads me…He refreshes my soul…He guides me…” It’s all about Him.  He is the Author...
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By: Jer  It’s been a good couple of days with community, sessions, and just a strong sense of God’s restful presence here.  Perhaps that is enough.  Yet, I get a sense that there’s something more that God wants to do, even though I don’t know what it is right now.  I believe God wants to...
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By: Jer  I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not very good at taking responsibility when things go wrong.  It’s easier and probably more natural for me to shift the focus to what I’m doing well, because then it doesn’t actually require me to change.  I can settle for who I already am and leave...
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By: Jer As a way to recap the past few months, we were asked to come up with a word or phrase to share with a group.  For me, it was the word:  Discovery.  It’s been a journey of discovering the imago dei, the image of God, in those around me, whether it’s the people I...
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