By: Tochukwu, Youth Ministry Intern The past 1 month working for ETCBC in the church and around the community has been very lesson-filled and self challenging. The community work in the hub and food banks that we serve has exposed us to different kinds of people and cultures from all walks of life. I will...Continue Reading
By: Tawfiq, Community Engagement Coordinator Now that some time has actually passed, I have experienced a bit more community work from somewhat of a religious perspective and it has been very interesting as someone who of little faith. Particularly when collaborating with more faith focused outlets such Scott Mission where the religious undertones are quite...Continue Reading
By: Tochukwu, Youth Ministry Intern It has been a sincere pleasure and opportunity to be returning back to East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church and serving again as the Youth Ministry Intern. I served as the Youth ministry intern in the summer of 2018, and I can say with a great deal of confidence that it...Continue Reading
The Wake-up Call By: Bethany, Community Engagement Coordinator July 12, 2019 I have only spent a week working with ETCBC and in short, I would say my experience has been a huge wake-up call. Since we are involved with community engagement under Pastor Sam, we completed intercultural training and the intercultural development inventory which assesses...Continue Reading
By: Tawfiq, Community Engagement Coordinator My experience with ETCBC so far has been positive. In working with ETCBC I am working with a faith based organization for the first time and have been challenged to work outside my comfort zone. Although I am not opposed to religion, I would not call myself religious so seeing...Continue Reading
By: Sharon Lau This week Jer preached on Luke 15: “The Parable of the Lost Sheep,” “The Parable of the Lost Coin,” and “The Parable of the Lost Son” (which I have renamed, “The Parables of the Lost Things” because this is the way my mind works). While Jer’s message focused mainly on the...Continue Reading
By: Sharon Lau This past Sunday I listened to a great sermon on Mark 4:35-41 (“Jesus Stills the Sea” or, as it is more commonly known in the NIV, “Jesus Calms the Storm”). The speaker introduced the possibility that Mark included this passage not necessarily to tell us what to do as believers of...Continue Reading
By: Pastor Tim Cue blaring alarm. Video clip stops abruptly. Service ends (sort of?). Sermon was cut short. Last Sunday the message was cut short. I almost made it. I joked with someone the week before that my rhythm and cadence was off after not preaching for some time. And then this week I...Continue Reading
By: Jer A few weeks ago, I had the chance to attend our local library’s 50th anniversary celebration. If you can imagine, it’s one of the smaller libraries in Toronto. They held the actual celebration in the basement with some fold up chairs. The head librarian shared a few words and then they invited a...Continue Reading
By: Jer On the last day of Arrow, we get to be commissioned by our leadership partners who have mentored us during the three residentials. One of the things they ask you to do is to ask God for a word to be prayed over you. (Apparently, Arrow is big on this whole one word/phrase...Continue Reading