To meet urgent human needs and improve social conditions by mobilizing the community’s volunteer and financial resources in a common cause of caring – United Way Toronto
God calls us out to love our neighbours and community. At East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church, we get excited over opportunities to serve each other. Here are just a small few examples. Please contact the English Ministry Committee for more details, to get involved, or even to suggest new areas.
To meet urgent human needs and improve social conditions by mobilizing the community’s volunteer and financial resources in a common cause of caring – United Way Toronto
For years, Toronto’s underserved suburban neighbourhoods faced challenges of social isolation, poverty, and lack of public services and community space. With a profound belief that “what unites us is ultimately far more powerful than what divides us,” the United Way Toronto has partnered with the province, private funders, and key agencies to support strategies aimed at improving the social conditions in the city.
One of its initiatives seeks to seed the development of eight Community Hubs in the city’s priority neighbourhoods. Members of these priority neighborhoods have already begun to witness and experience the fruit of this initiative since December 2009 when the first Community Hub opened in the Mid-Scarborough area. As of June 2013, seven of the eight projected hubs are fully functioning, with the final one opening later this year.
In Romans 12:16, Paul urges us to “live in harmony with one another”. God created the world with the intent for human beings to exist in community—one where there is no distinction between race, sex, or culture, but of mutual respect and support among equals.
To fulfill God’s vision of community without societal stereotypes or distortions, East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church has partnered with the Flemingdon Park-Victoria Village Hub located at 1527 Victoria Park Avenue, on the northwest corner of Eglinton East and Victoria Park. Here, we offer a variety of services, including seniors’ gentle stretching class, a monthly topical forum for community members and Hub participants, leadership skills enhancement workshops, community aid to various Victoria Village related events, and much more. Together with other Hub partners, it is not only our mission to provide community members with adequate access to relevant programs, essential services, and opportunities, but to build individual strength, empowerment and a sense of belonging and ownership for all who live in the area.
For further information on the Victoria Village neighbourhood, the Hub, or ways in which you can help with community growth, please contact [email protected].
Hubsters are a group of young leaders with a community-sized heart. They meet up to have fun, learn new things and make friends. They meet Thurdays @ 5-7pm, at the Hub.
The St. Jude’s Food Bank is a volunteer-based food bank at the Church of St. Jude Wexford and was started by the congregation when they saw the need of an emergency supply of food for local residents in the immediate community of the church. The food bank serves on average 200 different families each month, providing food, clothing, and other basic necessities for those in need.
East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church has been an active supporter for many years, regularly providing volunteers and buying groceries.
St. Jude’s food bank is in need of more volunteers every Monday from 8:30-11am and Wednesday from 9am-12pm to repackage and distribute food items. Please contact [email protected] for more details.
A St. Jude’s Food Bank donation box is also located in the Fellowship Hall. Please feel free to donate any of the following items at any time! For more information, you can download their brochure.
Food items in constant need |
Other items in constant need |
Hand up, not hand out.
In 1988, Habitat for Humanity Toronto (HFHT) was established. Founded on non-denominational Christian beliefs, HFHT runs as a non-profit organization to help low-income families build and buy quality affordable homes through a no-interest, no-profit mortgage with payments set at less than 30 percent of gross income. The non-discriminatory organization welcomes all individuals to help build towards their mission of enabling low-income families to collect assets and reduce their dependence on other forms of social assistance. Spirited volunteers who are passionate about breaking the cycle of poverty are sought out everyday.
East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church has been partnering with HFH since the early 2000s in both overseas and local builds. The Bible consistently urges us to be humble and giving with our provisions; that “Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God” (Proverbs 14:31). It is our goal to extend the voice of God by empowering low-income families through homeownership in a loving, diverse and inclusive atmosphere.
Each year, we participate in an Adopt-A-Day Build in the Toronto area. Those interested in joining these annual local initiatives or potential overseas builds should contact the English Ministry Committee.
For more than 10 years, we have partnered with Working Women Community Centre to serve the Victoria Village Community at the Victoria Park Hub. We have a satellite office there out of which our Community Outreach Pastor works, we run the Hub’s own youth group called the Hubsters and we work closely with Hub staff to serve the community.
We help with grocery shopping, run donation drives and our members volunteer weekly but it’s so much more than just that. We have a relationship with the St. Jude staff, the volunteers and the food bank clients from this long-standing positive partners.
We pray with them monthly in a community prayer meeting and partner to coordinate an annual O’Connor Community Info Fair
We partner with the Parent Association at Sloane P.S. to run the BBQ at their annual Sloane Fair to raise funds for the school
Run by the Working Women Community Centre, this is a program for newcomer families to Canada helping them to settle in a new country and providing them with resources. We partner to have their ELL (English Language Leaning) program at ETCBC
We partner to have their weekly Tamil-speaking seniors program at ETCBC
We partner with the Role Model Moms program which supports young moms in the Victoria Village community to obtain their high school diplomas and gear them up for future success
Through a connection at the Victoria Park Hub, we host this group for various community events annually, providing information and community connection programs for Chinese newcomers.