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This is a beta website. Click here for the official website.

Get connected

Community is a large part of ETCBC. We provide community at all levels. Learn more about our different ways to connect with others.

Please contact our English Ministry Committee at [email protected] for more details on our fellowships. 

Youth Ministry Online

Online gathering

Fridays at 7:30 pm

Sunday School

Sunday after service at 11:00 am

Daily Devotion

Book of Proverbs

Meet with Pastor Janet on Zoom


  • Tuesday to Thursday – 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Friday – 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm



Timothy Fellowship (Grade 6-8)

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. – Franz Kafka, Austrian Author


Meet with Pastor Janet on Zoom


  • Tuesday to Thursday – 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Friday – 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Meets 2nd & 4th Friday 7:30pm – 9:30pm @ETCBC.

It is undeniable that growing up is hard to do. Your squeaky voice is often muffled by the loud booming tones of adult speech, and your written prose is smeared with red corrective “do overs” and strings of “???”.

Whether we have all been there before, are experiencing it now, or will do so in the future, God embraces the beauty that is encased in all our youth—their thirst for greater knowledge, the pure innocence of their conversations, the delicate spontaneity in their movements, and their desire to simply become better people.

It is said in 1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity”; ETCBC will surely not look down on our youth.

If you have a passion to serve in Timothy fellowship, or want more information on the program, please contact pastor Janet Kwok for more details.

Download the program schedule.

Daniel Fellowship (Grade 9-12)

Meet with Pastor Janet on Zoom


  • Tuesday to Thursday – 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Friday – 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Daniel Fellowship is ETCBC’s high school group for students from grade 9 to 12. For generations, it has been a place for youth to grow both spiritually and relationally, as they engage in wide-ranging activities from Bible studies, skits, and discussion groups, to neighbourhood walks, media nights, and retreats.

They meet every Friday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm in the Daniel’s Den (East Basement), but are known to stick around later or meet unofficially at other times as well. The fellowship is led by student leaders, as well as adult leaders (Disciplers), with the youth pastor (Janet Kwok) as the head. The fellowship aims to stay connected to the greater ETCBC community, especially in relation to the youths’ parents and guardians.

Adult small groups


Adult small groups are an integral part of ETCBC.

When asking our very own Sam Mo about small group, he had this to say:
In small group, we do life together. We share our joys, fears and disappointments with each other. It is a place where we can be vulnerable, open and accepted exactly as we are. A place where we can experience God’s love through each other and also challenge each other. When we live in community, we go through all the ups and downs of life together and are able to see each other for who we truly are.
Small group is also a place where we learn and grow. It is where we can take what was preached and taught on Sunday, and dig deeper.  It is where we can learn in a smaller, more intimate environment about touchy subjects such as personal struggles, tithing and emotional health.  It is where we learn about God’s character and actions through the various programs we engage in.

When asking our very own Albert Kong about small groups (that’s him in the purple shirt below!), he had this to say:

I believe that Small groups is an important way of how our community can organize the embodiment and practice of the love of Christ it roots itself in. It’s a focused place where faith and lives can be discovered and shared in deeper wards, and where relationships can grow and extend outwards.

We currently support over 10 small groups, and it’s constantly growing!

If you would like to commit and join one of our several ETCBC Small Groups, please contact our EMC or EMC Fellowship Head.

Community dinner

All are invited to join us for our potluck-style community dinner every fourth Sunday of each month for a time of fellowship with both members of ET and friends from our Victoria Village community. Email [email protected] for details.

Community dinners are currently paused during COVID-19.

Sunday lunch

Our English congregation enjoys gathering for lunch after Sunday Service once a month, either take-out style at church or dining-in at a nearby restaurant. Email [email protected] for more details for our next planned Sunday lunch.

Sunday lunches are currently paused during COVID-19.