Adult small groups are an integral part of ETCBC.
When asking our very own Sam Mo about small group, he had this to say:
In small group, we do life together. We share our joys, fears and disappointments with each other. It is a place where we can be vulnerable, open and accepted exactly as we are. A place where we can experience God’s love through each other and also challenge each other. When we live in community, we go through all the ups and downs of life together and are able to see each other for who we truly are.
Small group is also a place where we learn and grow. It is where we can take what was preached and taught on Sunday, and dig deeper. It is where we can learn in a smaller, more intimate environment about touchy subjects such as personal struggles, tithing and emotional health. It is where we learn about God’s character and actions through the various programs we engage in.
When asking our very own Albert Kong about small groups (that’s him in the purple shirt below!), he had this to say:
I believe that Small groups is an important way of how our community can organize the embodiment and practice of the love of Christ it roots itself in. It’s a focused place where faith and lives can be discovered and shared in deeper wards, and where relationships can grow and extend outwards.
We currently support over 10 small groups, and it’s constantly growing!
If you would like to commit and join one of our several ETCBC Small Groups, please contact our EMC or EMC Fellowship Head.