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Lectionary and preaching

The English preaching ministry at ETCBC is led by a team of teachers. We have adopted this team approach to make it possible to:

  • Demonstrate that the body of Christ has a multiplicity of voices.
  • Illustrate the priesthood of all believers; that there are many called to teach and to explain God’s Word.
  • Speak to the diverse backgrounds in the congregation and represent different biblical perspectives to the church.
  • Recognize that there is not one preaching style that everyone relates to.
  • Create a community of leaders who are learning and teaching together.
  • Model the belief that one person does not have all the answers and that there is more reward in reading, wrestling and growing with the Word.
  • Move the attention away from the preacher to focus more on God-centered teaching.

The lectionary

Scan the QR code below to join us as we study and experience God’s Word at ETCBC. You can also visit The Text this Week to follow along.

ETCBC Reads QR Code

At ETCBC, we use the lectionary is a pre-selected collection of scriptural readings from the Bible used in a divine or religious service. This cycle of readings is based on the ancient cycle of Old Testament readings that was used in synagogues from the Jewish tradition during the time of Jesus. They are often times used in or as a part of church worship, also for study or as the source material for other theological informed considerations in church life.

The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) breaks up readings according to and follows the liturgical year (a series of event that track the significant moments in the historical life of the church) in a 3-year cycle (Years A, B and C) so that over the course of three years nearly all of the Bible has been read, studied and heard by the church in their cycle of readings. The RCL is shared between many different Christian traditions and denominations and provides scriptural recommendations that compliments and informs the current season of the liturgical year for their weekly church services and preaching.

Teaching that we continue to instruct everyone in the Jesus way – teaching in all things and in all ways to love God, and love our neighbours as ourselves. We do that in our social time together when we could and over Zoom, in our teaching and preaching, in our small groups and activity groups, and in our social outreaches, we try always to help make a stronger link between the things that we talk about and the way that we live our lives, individual, together as a community and in the larger Victoria Village, and world community.

English preaching team

  • Rev. Dr. Tim Tang
  • Pastor Sam Mo
  • Norman Young
  • Dr. Brian Lim
  • Jeremy Ng
  • William Loo
  • Sharon Lau
