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Michelle’s Prayer Letter

East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church > Blog > Michelle’s Prayer Letter

Note from the Editors: Since the time this prayer letter was written, Michelle’s team has returned from Asia and will be leading worship here at ET on Nov 24.  A freewill offering will be collected for the team during serice.  Please make cheques out to “CTI Music Ministries.”


Hi there!

This coming year, I will be committing to a full-time missions team with CTI Music Ministries.  This has been something I have been considering and praying about for the past two years, and teh timing is finally right! (hurray)

I’ve had teh chance to serve with this ministry as a part of a summer team before and it’s been such a blessing to be able to watch fellow teammates grow and be so open with complete strangers, as well as continue experience God in new and different ways.  Some things I’ve learned (or been rended of) from the past two summers as that missions is a lifestyle – as Christians, our dailiy mission is to “preach the gospel at all times…and if necessary, use words.”  I’m not talking about the music at all – everything we preach, we do it through our actions (using music as a way to engage others is just a pleasant bonus).  I know taht CTI will continue to help me grow and stretch me in different ways, and I’m also looking forward to being able to better articulate my testimony when I do use words when necessary (e.g. less awkward personal sharing).

My year of ministry with CTI will contain many amazing opportunities.  After just over a month of training – in Willmar, MN, and in the field – my team will complete several tours in the United States and Canada playing concerts in churches, schools and prisons.  We will also spend a month overseas providing outreach to our international partners.  A typical day on a fulltime team includes anything from playing a concert (which involves unloading, setting up, taking down adn reloading our equipment) to spending hours in a van, on a plane or doing other work to play our part in fulfilling the Great Commission.  During our tours, we will stay with Host Families and our personal freedoms will give way to the needs of the team and the ministry.  You can follow my team’s experience while we’re overseas by reading our blog on the website (

I’m looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me this coming year.  I hope you’ll join me on this crazy adventure!  I appreciate you!

In Christ,
