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By: John W.

The message of doing crazy things at the 2015 English Fall retreat, Inspire, really resonated with me. This takes me back to, possibly, the only two sermons I remember: April 21, 2013 (Pastor Tim) and April 26, 2015 (Norman). To summarize: Pastor Tim called on all the boys about doing missions and Norm’s message was about the DNA of ETCBC. I would encourage people to listen to these messages.

Many crazy things happened last year: I have a full-time job in an almost impossible job market. I got married. Nehemiah actually started. Children’s Ministry is alive and kicking. I can see God working in these pivotal moments.

What does this mean in 2016? I don’t know.  We often get challenged with the question of “what are you going to do?” Instead, my challenge for everyone is to “just go do something.” The crazier the better. God will work if you trust Him to. Off the top of my head: EMC will be looking for new members at the end of 2016. Pastor Derek is always looking for helpers and teachers. Small groups are open for all. The best part of all this: no qualifications necessary.