By: Rosie Y.
Janice, Francis and I returned from visiting Barb & Gerry Normand (Los Normands) in Sumpango, Guatemala in September 2015. While we were there we had many great experiences, spending time with the PILAS kids, meeting new kids in the villages, being guest judges at the PILAS students’ school competition, visiting the kids’ families and being treated to traditional Guatemalan fare. There are so many experiences to share – here are just a few of the key ones:
Building Relationships with the Kids
Often the question returning from a short-term missions trip (“STM”) is, “What did you do there?” Barb, Gerry and we agreed, the most important thing we did was spend time with the kids – playing games, speaking in broken Spanish/English, learning about each other, praying together, worshipping together. The second most important thing we did was spend time with Barb and Gerry, doing kind of the same. It’s amazing how the kids and their families remembered me visiting last year, and how much it means to them when one of our past team members returns. It was hard to tell early in the week how much of an impact we were making, just “hanging out” with them; but there was no doubt, by the time we left, from the bear hugs and huge smiles we got from the kids, just how much they liked being with us. Francis spent a morning teaching the PILAS kids how to make traditional Chinese food; they had a ton of fun and even managed to use chopsticks for the first time. Sometimes it felt like we needed to be doing something “productive,” as if just being with the kids wasn’t. But as Barb said to us, and we witnessed firsthand – “Love lasts, buildings don’t.”
Partnership with Long-Term Missionaries
One of the things I’ve treasured about ETCBC’s STMs to Guatemala is that they aren’t just separate, disconnected trips, even when it’s different people going. Every team that’s gone and that goes in the future participates in a long-term ministry led by Barb & Gerry to make an impact on the future of Sumpango’s villages and its people. It’s hard to explain in a few sentences exactly what their ministry is and what PILAS does. The beauty of partnering with long-term missionaries is that you’re not just constructing a building or teaching English; the scope of PILAS can’t be put in a box. The trust they’ve built with their neighbours and villagers enables them to influence and impact in ways a single STM team never could. Gerry was even awarded the prestigious Honor al Mérito (Merit Honour) for Sumpango, “for boosting education and leadership with children and adolescents in the villages of Sumpango.” PILAS is about education; about poverty alleviation; about spiritual growth; about youth; about families; about community building; and so much more. As a small STM team, we were privileged to be a part of that, thanks to the amazing long-term work of Barb & Gerry.
Reliance on God
Even with the wide scope of PILAS’ mission, the centre of Barb & Gerry’s focus remains on God and on teaching the kids about Jesus Christ. Amongst the daily trials and tribulations they face in their work, it was humbling for us to see how often they turned to the Lord, and prayed faithfully through every challenge, big or small. I can tell you truthfully that every prayer of ours was answered, and God provided in every circumstance. Transportation, health, relationships, safety, weather; God took care of every concern and every little problem. My eyes were opened to how God responds when we rely on him, and my faith has grown from seeing how he intercedes for us.
I want to thank all of you also who were praying for us; it’s humbling to receive your prayers, and I really could feel your prayers from Guatemala and knew they were being answered. If you’ve ever doubted whether God hears and responds; I can tell you that I’ve seen it first hand.