By: Jeremy N.
Just a few quick thoughts while at laying over in Washington.
It’s definitely been a whirlwind to get to this point. It’s been a quick 3 months when we all decided to make this trip. Almost every week that we’ve met, we’ve had something to do for the trip, whether it’s booking flights to having a brief moment to share and pray. We’ve had some complications come up with our teamwhich resulted in several of our members staying behind. The encouragement for me has been how our team has continued to remain close and support each other. I think of the ways in which our team has already grown and been challenged. Personally, this process has forced me to also re-evaluate choices in my life and pay closer attention to what God might be calling me to. It’s not easy to live in close obedience to what He wants, if anything it’s hard and risky. It would be so much easier to stay home, be in my comfort zone and do what I think is necessary. Yet, God promises us something greater and He constantly reveals to us glimpses of His kingdom. So, I’m not sure what’s going to happen on this trip, but we are almost there. All I can say is I’m excited for how God will work and expect that we will be changed by this encounter with Him. Thank you for all your continued support and prayers!