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Lent from an eternal perspective

East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church > Blog > Lent from an eternal perspective
By: Rosie Y.
This is my second or third year giving up TV and movies for lent. Although it’s a trivial thing, I found it harder this year for some reason than in the past.  Perhaps because I use TV as my de-stressor, and the last month has been very stressful.  Regardless, this Lenten period has brought home to me the realization that our treasures – and our problems – are fleeting and temporary, when viewed from an eternal perspective.
I think most Christ-followers know this, in their heads – that regardless of what’s happening to us now (good or bad), it won’t last forever, and when we get to heaven, the glory that awaits us is far greater than anything we could experience here on earth.  In other words – we experience short term pain for long term gain.   But what does that really mean for us on a daily basis?
One day during lent, a DVD I’d been on a 200-person wait list for became available at the library. I knew if I released it, it would be another 3 months before I’d get it again.  In my head, I thought, “Figures.  Well, it’s only a 2-hour movie – surely it’s OK to make an exception when it’s out of my control, and I’ve been waiting so long already.  God understands, doesn’t he?!” 
I’m ashamed to admit how much of a struggle not watching this movie was.  You’re probably snickering and wondering what on earth this movie is that I would want to watch it so badly!  I even considered copying the DVD so I could watch it as soon as lent was over, and then delete it – it’s not illegal if I’m just holding it temporarily, right?
Thankfully, I didn’t watch it or copy it.  What helped me turn the corner finally was thinking about how I would feel when I get to heaven.  When I come face to face with my Saviour, will I look back on this time and think – “YES!  That was a great idea.  I’m so glad I made an exception during lent 2016 and watched a movie instead of waiting 3 more months.  No regrets!”
Obviously this was not how I wanted to meet my Saviour.  Especially considering that Jesus gave up his life for us – giving up a movie for 3 months should be a no-brainer.
It’s a very silly story, but it got me thinking about how we apply this principle to our daily lives.   When Jesus talks about how hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God (Luke 18:24-25) – we often think of riches as money or material possessions.  But what else is Jesus asking us to give up as part of our “cost of discipleship” (Luke 18:24-25)?  Certainly watching a movie is nothing in comparison to an eternity in heaven.  But what if the “cost” is bigger?  Would I use two weeks’ of precious vacation time to go on a missions trip, when it means delaying a family trip for a year or even two?  Would I risk alienating my non-believing friend by telling them about Jesus and what He means to me?  Would I pay extra to rent a second apartment, rather than moving in with my fiancé before the wedding?
And when the going gets tough – when the sacrifice becomes more than I planned to give; when it impacts not just me but also my loved ones; when I have to choose between what’s easier for me vs. what matters to God – how do I purposely choose to take the harder path?
The answer for me, during this lent, was to remember Jesus and keep an eternal perspective.