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This past Sunday, we spent some time in communal prayer for our Nehemiah Project.  As we were praying through the Psalms, this particular call stood out, “Be still, and know that I am God.”   For me, when things aren’t easy, when they take a bit longer than they should, when it takes more effort than I was prepared to give, the absolute last thing I want to do is be still.  I want to do something, anything, I just want the task to be done.  When the stakes are raised, when there’s something to lose, I don’t want to have to depend on anyone else.  Those are the times when it feels like the only person I can count on is me.  It might mean I rush through it to get the task done quickly or it might mean I spend all my time on it until it gets finished, but ultimately, it’s on me.

The call to, “Be still and know that I am God,” is not just an invitation to stop working, but it’s really an invitation to trust God.  It’s an invitation to lay down our worries and fears of what we might lose and to know that He is God.  Perhaps for those of us who have been serving throughout the Nehemiah Project, it’s an invitation to stop for a moment and trust that God is who He says He is.  That He will see this through to completion.  Perhaps for those of us who have been on the outside, supporting Nehemiah through prayer and finances, it might be hard to trust that it will get done when all we see are bits and pieces.  Yet, perhaps we are called just the same to trust in Him.  May we continue to find the time and space for us as a community to, “Be still and know that He is God.”

Please note that over the next few Sundays, you are invited to join us in prayer at 10:30 am in the Atrium.