By: Jonathan, Community Engagement Coordinator
Time has come and passed with the second blog post already coming around. I find myself sitting here, in front of my computer, struggling to materialize my thoughts. Struggling to string together my ideas for this blog post. With the summer guide completed, I’m finding myself to be in a rather awkward state of unsureness. There is no concrete task that I must accomplish before a rigid deadline and my general trajectory is obscured and hazy. I see the list of tasks that I need to finish but they seem somewhat undefined and distant. And as the novelty of a job position begins to fade, complacency sets in. I think that will be the biggest challenge for me in the coming weeks.
I feel like I speak for many people when I say that the arrival of the coronavirus has dramatically changed the structure of our lives. Not only in regards to social distancing or reduced time outside of the house, but rather the specific times which used to be set aside for routine activities such as waking up, meals, and bedtimes. This lack of structure seemed liberating at first, allowing me to grasp the reigns of my existence, taking full control over my life. However, it’s apparent to me now that I was piloting myself into an unsustainable and unhealthy lifestyle. The opportunity of working during the summer marked a shift in the way I was living. I had to get myself together and work steady hours, and remain diligent in my work. There was a clear task that was set up for me, and so I worked to complete it. Now, this clear obvious objective is obscured from vision. Sometimes it feels like running towards a destination with no milestones or knowledge of how much distance is remaining.
I think a mindset that encourages mindfulness is optimal for my position right now. Awareness brings new understanding and can set me firmly on the path to success. Using more resources that can help regulate my day to day habits such as calendars or personal agendas, I can help maintain that starting momentum throughout the remainder of July.