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Reopening update for Ontario step one

East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church > Announcement > Reopening update for Ontario step one

ETCBC is entering into a Step One Reopening on Monday, June 21, 2021.In this phase, limited INDOOR use of the church building, and pre-approved OUTDOOR programs and activities on the front lawn or back parking lot will be permitted. 

  • Indoor programs and activities permitted in the building at this time are staff, finance, building maintenance and worship practices and recording.
  • Any proposed outdoor programs or activities should be vetted first by the respective ministry committee to ensure compliance with Cocid-19 health measures.
  • A maximum of 10 people in the building at any given time, or at an outdoor program or activity, with mandatory masking and physical distancing of 2 metres at all times. 

For a full list of permitted activities and safety guidelines, please see this document, which was produced by the church COVID subcommittee. If you have any questions or concerns about church safety guidelines and hygiene practices, please direct them to [email protected]