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Vaccine passport implementation

East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church > Announcement > Vaccine passport implementation

We will be going ahead with a Vaccine Passport (VP) system for all indoor church activities. The COVID subcommittee has reviewed the plan for implementing the vaccine passport. Read the plan.

The main points for the roll-out and implementation of the VP are as follows:

  • We began to announce the details of the VP on Sunday, October 17;
  • We will begin official enforcement of the VP on Sunday, November 7, to provide a grace period of 3 weeks;
  • All (indoor) events will require an entrance person who checks participants at the door for documentation of a 2nd COVID vaccination (QR code, paper, or photo of paper document), but will not collect or store vaccine information;
  • First-time visitors who are unaware of the VP system will be informed about it and livestream options;
  • People with official documentation of medical exemptions will be admitted as long as they comply with other safety protocols (masking, distancing);
  • The COVID subcommittee will review monthly the need for a VP and its implementation, and changes will be made as needed.

Any comments or questions can be directed to deacon Brian Lim ([email protected]) or the COVID subcommittee ([email protected]).