By: Rosie Y.
For more information about PILAS and my short-term missions trip, please check out my prayer letter and fundraising web page.
Today hit 30-something degrees celsius in Toronto, probably close to 40 with the humidity – walking home from work, I was dying for an ice cream. Or even an iced tea. This is the perfect weather for it! Normally I love this super hot weather (which is supposed to last my whole GLC week, sigh), and I’d be out every day for an ice cream or ice cold drink. I think I know how I will break my GLC fast at midnight on Friday J
Of course, just as I finished writing that – I had to remind myself, how much ice cream and iced tea do I suppose the kids in the Guatemalan villages get?! (Smacking forehead) Once again, life of privilege – complaining that I don’t get daily ice cream for the next 5 days, meanwhile, in Guatemala…
The amazing thing is, when I was in the villages last year, the kids were always smiling, laughing, and giving big hugs to Barb & Gerry. Even when they were carrying heavy loads of stuff around, they almost seemed to have fun doing it. (Almost.) They were not complaining about not having ice cream on a hot day! Talk about humbling. There’s a lot I can learn from them about joy and love.
Speaking of joy – after 2.5 days and 4 meals of black beans and rice – a change of menu! Tonight is tortillas, scrambled eggs and green beans. Here’s me trying to warm up the store-bought tortillas as closely as possible to the way I saw the authentic stuff being cooked in Guate:
And here’s how it’s really done by the PILAS girls:
Needless to say – my Dempster’s corn tortillas weren’t even close. The girls do it way better!
Another confession – I totally underestimated the portion size for tonight’s meal. If you’ve ever seen me try to cook, you’ll know I have no sense of food quantity, and how much is too much, or too little. FYI – just one egg? Way too little! And the ½ cup of green beans completely overwhelmed the one little egg. So I had to up the egg portion to two from one. No changes to the green beans or tortillas. Please forgive me! I was so hungry L
Here’s meal #5 – with the second egg added, after I’d started eating already and realized how insufficient this was: