At small group last night, a couple of people brought up their reservations about the importance of the info booklet. Is it a true and comprehensive reflection of their intentions and motivations? Are they even aware of what is the scope of their role? The obvious answer is no (to a certain degree) and we can talk about that another time but I do want to share about why I’m so passionate about this deeply flawed booklet.
Over the last 2 years, I’ve witnessed a growing mistrust of ET’s leaders. Maybe you disagree with the decisions being made or how meetings are run. Maybe you feel like your voice isn’t being heard. These are legitimate concerns that we should work through together and I’m not asking you to let go of them. I really just wanted to put a human face on our leadership. That’s the running theme of everything I write because I still struggle with this.
It’s my hope that you would read through each nominee’s account and pray for them. Maybe you’ll learn something about a ministry you didn’t know about. Maybe you’ll resonate with their goals or struggles and start a conversation. Maybe you’ll even see a bit of yourself in one of the nominees. However God speaks to you, I hope this booklet helps you to see beyond your misgivings of our leaders.